Last week I mentioned some traditions that people might have in their life and I feel that one of the traditions I mentioned is the same for most people. I feel that around this time of year people are always offering up what they are thankful for. They may offer this information in general conversation, a Facebook post, a thank you card or personal thank you in person, around the table at thanksgiving dinner and in other possible ways. But then after they stuff themselves with turkey and express what they are thankful for - from stuff to people in their life - this crazy thing happens to some people that very night. This crazy thing is called Black Friday. The very same people who were just thankful for what they had descend on their local stores fighting for the latest deal. We can all fall into this category of wanting more more more and right after we declare how thankful we are for what we have. This very idea of greed can be seen at the beginning of the 2000 “How The Gr...