by Heather Gent

has been over month now since the day I described above. I left
Philadelphia to return to California with nothing more than what would fit in
my car. No U-haul accompanied me this time and it was both liberating and
worrisome. Buckled in with my 10 month old daughter and 13 year old son,
we drove away with only the clothes on our backs and the precious few items
that were sized appropriately for storage in my trunk or back seats. I would
later learn a valuable lesson about possessions and material wealth, namely
that they don't last and that I had been dangerously close to idolatry with
every bit of it. Though my heart was in the right place for wanting to be
surrounded by reminders of God's presence near me, His lesson to me was to walk
in the awareness of His Spirit within me. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says
"Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells
in you?" and Acts 17:28 says that "in Him we live and move and
have our being," so ask yourself what you would do if God asked you to
leave everything you own behind (Luke 18:22). Would you go?
faced a lot of judgment and criticism when people learned that I was moving for
the third time in less than a year. I even had one acquaintance shake her
head and tell me she hoped I find what I'm looking for. Presuming that I
was somehow lost, she had no idea what my life's journey consists of or what
I've been called by God to do, yet she summed up my existence in that moment
with an assumption that l was missing something somewhere. And I almost
agreed with her, but then I remembered that my journey isn't hers. It's
mine and I'm right where I'm meant to be. To the outside world, your own
journey may look misguided or misinformed or absent of some ingredient, but God
hasn't called you to blend in. You don't need to worry unless your story does
look like everyone else's. Matthew 5:14 says we are the "light of
the world" and can't be hidden among the darkness. We are to stand
out, shine light, and salt the world (Matthew 5:13) with flavor. The last
couple of months have been incredibly challenging on an unsurpassed
level. I've fought new devils and battled towering giants, but I wouldn't
trade the adventure of it all for anything. James 1:2-4 says to "consider
it pure joy when you face trials," and I have faced many, but I get it
now. I get the joy. I get the outcome. I understand the
reason he is able to utter this utterly absurd statement about considering
trials joy. I have found pockets of joy and happiness in the most
difficult days, I've seen the spiritual rainbow in my mind's heaviest
thunderstorms. The light that comes at the end of the tunnel has dawned,
and the ocean that tried to drown me was no match for the hand of God that
reached down into the waves to save me.
didn't leave God; like Peter (Matthew 14:29), I stepped out of the boat and
gained Him on a whole new level. I don't have my table cross, but I am
filled with the Savior who died on it (Acts 13:52). I can't look up at
the wall in front of me and see the decorative Bible verse hanging on it, but I
have the same word permanently written on my mind and heart. Jeremiah
31:33 says God "will put my law in their minds and write it on
their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people," and if
your journey captures the ridicule or scorn of others, know that Matthew 5:11
says "blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely
say all kinds of evil against you because of me," so if you don't have
at least a little bit of this in your life from time time time then it may be
necessary to ask yourself who and what you're following. Don't get too
comfortable blending in. Have you left everything to gain more of
Him? Is your heart tied to His Spirit or to a symbol of His
presence? Do you want the Giver more than the gift or are you more
devoted to the possession than you are to the Lover of your soul? Mark
8:36 says "what good is it if you gain the whole world but lose your soul,"
and a time may arise in your own life when you're faced with giving up
everything you own to follow Him. Will you go? Consider it
earnestly and then take the risk. Make the move. Face your own
giants. Go on the adventure, go the distance, and know that He is with you
wherever you are (Deuteronomy 31:8). Walk in boldness and courage (Joshua
1:9) and most of all, be willing to leave everything to follow Him. (Mark
This post was authored by a good friend, Heather Gent. You can check out her blog here ----> The Next Step
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This post was authored by a good friend, Heather Gent. You can check out her blog here ----> The Next Step
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